Sponsors Needed
We invite you to help people empower themselves to lead fulfilling lives and make a difference in their communities and in the world!
The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery is excited to announce the 36th annual Alternatives Conference, will be held virtually: November 2, 3, and 4, 2022.
We look forward to connecting nationally and internationally with old friends and colleagues, and to making new connections. We invite all of you to join us from wherever you are. We’re excited about having a virtual conference this year so that everyone from anywhere can attend! Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, the conference is free of charge to attend. Additional sponsors are still needed. Thank you for considering a contribution.
This exciting event will virtually bring together approximately 600 grassroots stakeholders, representing diverse populations. There will be four days of inspiring keynotes, stimulating workshops, interactive caucuses, and other events focused on leadership development, innovation, inclusion, peer support, recovery, creativity, healing, spirituality, and wellness. Alternatives 2021 will offer in-depth technical assistance on peer-delivered services and self-help/recovery methods, and provide participants with an extraordinary opportunity to join with peer leaders from across the U.S. to share inside information on the “how-to’s” of creating, implementing, and sustaining cutting-edge programs; evaluation methodology; and effective organizing techniques.
Now is your chance to showcase your organization’s commitment to the first national conference created by and for individuals with lived experience of mental health conditions or substance use issues who sought traditional services or alternatives such as peer-run services. It has been a beacon of hope for thousands of people living with mental health challenges—motivating, inspiring and equipping them to live their best lives.
By helping sponsor Alternatives 2022 you will allow hundreds of individuals with lived experience across the country the opportunity to attend this life-changing event. Your sponsorship package will provide needed resources to make Alternatives 2022 a success. It will also give you a chance to showcase your organization’s commitment to mental health! We consider your sponsorship a partnership supporting the empowerment of individuals with lived experience, and building and sustaining recovery pathways across our nation.
Please make checks payable to NCMHR and send them to NCMHR, 25 Bigelow St., Cambridge, MA 02139, or donate via the NCMHR website www.ncmhr.org.
The mission of the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery is to ensure that individuals with lived experience of the mental health system have a major voice in the development and implementation of health care, mental health, and social policies at the state and national levels, empowering people to recover and lead a full life in the community. NCMHR comprises 30 statewide and many local peer-run organizations as well as individual members across the nation. These groups represent thousands of individuals with lived experience. Through its membership on the Steering Committee of the National Disability Leadership Alliance, NCMHR is one of 17 national disability groups that collaborate in the development of cross-disability policies.
For more information about the benefits of becoming a sponsor, please contact us at info@ncmhr.og or by calling 202-642-4480.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Braunwynn Franklin, President
Daniel Fisher, MD, PhD, Vice President
Alternatives 2022 Sponsorship Levels and Incentives
Pillar $10,000 (or higher)
Large logo/Name in online conference program and in video before each day’s keynote session
Full-page ad in online conference program
Logo/Name on conference website
Name recognition/announcement at conference opening ceremony
Can add brochure to conference bag
Champion $7,500 to $9,999
Medium-size logo in online conference program
Half-page ad in online conference program and in video before each day’s keynote session
Logo/Name on conference website
Name recognition/announcement at conference opening ceremony
Advocate $5,000 to $7,4999
Logo/Name in online conference program
Quarter-page ad in online conference program
Logo/Name on conference website
Name recognition/announcement at conference opening ceremony
Booster $2,500 - $4,999
Logo/Name in online conference program
Business card ad in online conference program
Logo/Name on conference website
Name recognition/announcement at conference opening ceremony
Supporter $500 - $2,499
Name in online conference program
Name/Thank you on conference website
Name recognition/announcement at conference opening ceremony
Judi Chamberlin Circle $250 - $499
Name in online conference program
Name/Thank you on conference website